Weronika Mamot – Fashion&Beauty Webitorial

Weronika Mamot  is a young fashion and beauty photographer

Born and raised in Poland, currently living in Australia. The name promises creative and a passionate devotion to photography.


Her passion for photography started when she was nearly 14 years old playing with vintage cameras from her father; and from taking self-portraits and selling them for book covers she knew that this is a career path she wants to undertake in a future. In her work she has strong visual impact and extensive sense of fashion. Her style is known to be feminine, sensual and always with the woman in focus. She is always focused on capturing a woman in charge of her own actions and her own sexuality. Whenever she wants to be romantic and submissive or to show obvious dominance, it’s always on her terms. She finds her inspiration from listening to Massive Attack and her surrioundings.


Find our more about Weronika on her website here  or her instagram