How can you maintain structure and boundaries in your relationship before it’s too late?
Imagine this – Karen and Jim have been married for 10 years, they developed this routine around the busy schedules they have with work, friends, and of course their me-time. But then Bam! suddenly they’re at home, governments have decreed that everyone must stay in at all times.
Now Karen and Jim are trying to work their way through their new life, having a different routine instead of the old one. Little things are now becoming a big deal.
For example, Karen is getting irritated with Jim for not putting things back to where they were. Then Jim suddenly finds his wife’s voice nagging and loud.
Image Source – Forbes
How is this happening to people who are happily married? Forced Solitude for months gets on everyone’s nerves and since this pandemic happened everyone’s been singing the same tune – either there’s a baby boom or a massive divorce rate coming up.
While this might come true, the question here now is – how can you maintain structure and boundaries in your relationship before it’s too late? The answer to this is seeking help. Even though clinics are closed, it doesn’t mean couples wouldn’t be able to get the help they need during this time, albeit sessions will be done virtually. the main goal of therapy has always been to bridge and resolve disputes between two people in a relationship.
There may be a moment that anything will trigger any event that could lead to a potentially high octave argument that could damage any stride in a relationship. Experts such as Orna Guralnik have said that the best way to resolve conflicts and preserve relationships is to acknowledge that there will be therapy isn’t available.
Consulting with a marriage therapist is a service that any conflict, no matter what.
Even though this is true, we all must understand the importance of setting the stage for good communication and harmony.
It is imperative to know where the other person is coming from is also a major factor when it comes to weathering any disputes with your partner.
It’s also fundamental that you have time for yourself, just because you’re in enclosed spaces – it doesn’t mean that you have to be in the same space as your partner at all times.
Learning how to set boundaries is paramount and offering a lending ear to help one another is one of the key factors in moving forward during these difficult times( source – How to maintain relationships during coronavirus quarantine).
Source – Pinterest
Although tensions are running high because of the mental stress during the pandemic, couples still need to set aside time for themselves. Dr. Ryan Burkhart and Dr. Trent Langhofer, professors in CCU’s Master of Arts in Clinical Mental Health Counseling Program have stressed the importance of being each other’s support system, it doesn’t hurt to be creative about date nights and having new activities together. (Source –How to Maintain Your Marriage in Quarantine ).
Article by Cyan Leigh
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