Evedo’s Fragmint.app partners up with The Nftist for Stable Market Growth

As the market for NFTs rises high — a partnership between The Nftist, the world’s first decentralized media trust and Fragmint.app, a formable media platform that is ingrained with Evedo.

With a common goal in mind, the alliance has been put in place to help the NFT community gain a streamlined amount of access to a larger and more stable market that would bring about more tools that could potentially help unlock resources that would help NFT investors.

With the Nftist’s CEO Zainea Emanuel and Fragmint’s founder Stoyan Angelov coming together to organize a momentous collaboration they would therein become a powerhouse co-op that would work in curating physical and virtual events through Evedo’s Ecosystem which would then lead to long-term synergies while creating a thriving cross-network of activities for consumers.

For more information check out the following links below:

Nftist: www.thenftist.com

Fragmint: www.fragmint.app